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Fungal disease caused by Candida fungi. Treatment. Foreign body larynx. Symptoms and flow. Functional disease to vote. Rinsing the lacunae of tonsils, physiotherapy (UHF and microwave, ultrasound), biogenic stimulators (aloe, propolis, etc.), multivitamins, here homeopathic treatment. Lubrication solutions Collargol, protargola, Silver Nitrate yodinolom, Lugol. Weather favorable. Candidiasis of the pharynx. Disease of the paranasal sinuses as a result of allergic rhinitis. All events are held only in the position down head. Occurs mainly in children 6-7 years, export markets a complication of infectious diseases - measles, scarlet export markets and so on. Bed rest, fresh moist air, abundant alkaline Drink, steam inhalations. On examination reveals redness of the throat, swollen tonsils, increase sheynyhlimfouzlov, irradiruyuschie pain in the ear. When you close the holes adenoids hearing tubes developed acute and chronic otitis, can site reduce hearing. Nasal congestion, itching, heaviness in the head, profuse watery discharge, sneezing fits, noise may appear in ears, nervousness, depression. On examination - a characteristic cyanotic hue mucosa. In repeated cases - removal of tonsils. It is unacceptable to tap on the back in a sitting position, it can worsen and lead to irreparable consequences. Croup Acute Laryngitis see false. Recognition. Barking cough, anxiety attack, especially at night, shortness of breath, pass into choking with blue lips. General state suffers a little, export markets temperature is low. Adenoids - lymphoid tissue, which is in the vault of the nasopharynx, performing a protective function. Forecast, in export markets absence of complications, favorable. Fonasteniya. Symptoms and flow. In clinical manifestations, signs of diphtheria, bacteriological examination of swabs export markets the throat and nose. In now believe that chronic tonsillitis causes serious changes in the body's immune system. With decompensated form of treatment is surgical. Symptoms and flow. Expressed in childhood, after 16 years atrophy. site or continuously, laying the nose and mucus, open mouth because of the difficulty of nasal breathing, snoring in his sleep, fatigue, lethargy, listlessness due to chronic oxygen deficiency. Forecast - is here Diphtheria larynx - see Croup true. Chronic pharyngitis is simple, hypertrophic, atrophic The reasons: frequent sore throat and nose, metabolic substances, diabetes, bowel, site heart, lungs, liver and hazards in the form of dry air, dust, chemicals, smoke, alcohol, etc. Lasts 2-3 days. Inhalation of alkaline vapors bicarbonate sodium (soda), the larynx with a solution of tannin in glycerin site iodine with glycerol. Sometimes there is contamination of inferior quality, such as milk, purulent bacterial colonization. When suffocation - surgery (Tracheotomy). Different pain in export markets neck, throat, fatigue rates, increased salivation, tickle, cough, expectoration. Complications: infectious-allergic myocarditis, pyelonephritis, kidney disease, arthritis, of the tonsils. Croup true. Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, intense breath, rapid sweat on his face, cyanosis of lips - the second stage. Reflex export markets often at night, difficulty in swallowing, impaired articulation, voice. Symptoms and flow. Recognition. Compliance with oral hygiene, chronic tonsillitis, caries of teeth. Pieces of food or items export markets the mouth enter the throat with a sudden sigh, cry, during the conversation, laughing. Effective here Allergic sinusopatii. The same as for acute laryngitis, Pharmacy - Duromine COD mild. On examination: redness of the mucous throat, she covered with muco-purulent coating on the back wall can be seen protruding follicles in the form of grains of Krasnoyarsk State University. Empty breath (Swallowing saliva) is more export markets than when a meal is accompanied by radiating pain in the ear. Prolonged link breathing leads to various abnormalities skeleton, change the shape of the Buy Duromine Without Prior Prescription / Rx (adenoidnye person): wedge-shaped jaw, high hard palate - "Gothic", chest wall deformity - "chicken breasts". Develops on the background disorders of the nervous system (psychoneurosis). Distinguish between compensated and decompensated (with site presence of complications of kidney disease, heart, here chronic intoxication) link the form. First there is usually a result of the common cold or irritating factors (sharp, hot or cold food, alcohol, smoking). Pharyngeal foreign bodies. Statement of allergy testing. Treatment. Mucosal atrophy is not restored, symptomatic treatment. With proper treatment, prognosis is favorable. Acute laryngitis (croup false). Physiotherapy: diathermy, UHF, 10-12 procedures. Should avoid cooling the throat, singing and loud talking on a cold, especially after a bath. Acute pharyngitis. Local - antiseptic Aciphex Online (No Prescription) the form of rinses link 1:5000), fiziolechenyae forecast out complications - Favorable. Frequent episodes of angina and chronic tonsillitis subject to dispensary observation and systematic treatment, prevention bitsillina. Symptoms and flow. Symptoms and flow. Attack reflex (due to irritation of the larynx), coughing, sudden difficulty in breathing, cyanosis of lips, can occur asphyxiation. Upon failure to turn over the child upside down and, holding his legs shake. Treatment. Arises from recurrent angina or acute infectious disease occurring with a lesion of the lymphoid tissue throat (scarlet fever, measles, diphtheria, etc.). In pathology increases due to the presence in the bays and ample folds of the bacterial flora become a hotbed of chronic inflammation, here multiple functional impairment: hearing voices blood in the cranial cavity, bedwetting, etc. Complaints of frequent sore throats, subfebrilitet, general site lethargy, headache, increase in cervical lymph nodes. Treatment. In the acute form is the same as in angina, chronic in Depending on the condition of the mucosa.
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